Chiropractic Spine and Joint Specialists


EMS Swiss Dolorclast Shockwave Therapy

Shockwaves are SONIC PULSES with specific physical characteristics that create pressure when applied to tissues.

The oscillating repeatedly applied pressure causes:

●      Breaks down of adhesions and scar tissue.

●      Stimulates the body’s healing processes on a cellular level.

●      Encourages neovascularization (blood vessel formation) for accelerated                    healing rates in damaged tissue areas and other sports type injuries.

Extracorporeal Shockwave Therapy is a safe, FDA approved therapy that has no significant side effects BUT huge results. Utilized and endorsed at the last Football World Cup, it is the leading technology in the field of “tissue regenerative therapy.”

SWT is used to successfully treat the following conditions:

●       Plantar-fasciitis (heel, foot pain)

●       Shoulder impingement syndrome

●      Rotator cuff tendonitis

●      Frozen Shoulder

●      Trigger Point therapy

●      Tennis/ Golfer’s elbow

●       Runner’s knee

●      Achilles tendinopathy

●      Sport’s injuries

ServicesSteve Jones